Archives: <span>Practice Areas</span>

Homeowners Insurance

All Florida residents understand the importance of preparing for hurricanes and other tropical storms that can cause significant property damage. Florida law requires homeowners to carry a certain amount of insurance that will cover you in the event of a significant loss.
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Wrongful Death

A wrongful death occurs when one person’s negligence or direct act results int eh death of another person. Unlike cases of murder, manslaughter, and homicide, wrongful death claims are civil cases and are not tried in criminal court.
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Nursing Home Abuse

The decision to place a loved one in a long-term care facility is never an easy one. Sometimes though, it is the only thing to do, particularly if your family members need around the clock care that you cannot provide. The only reassurance you likely have after making the difficult decision is the fact that the nursing home staff members have promised to provide your loved one with the best possible care.
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Medical Malpractice

Any time a patient visits a doctor, even if it is just for a regular checkup, they are placing their life in someone else’s hands. Doctors have a legal duty to provide a certain standard of care to each and every patient they see. When they do not meet that duty, the stakes are very high and patients can suffer serious consequences.
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Negligent Security

Florida is home to some of the finest hotels, apartment complexes, and other commercial businesses. Unfortunately, even on these luxurious properties, assaults, muggings, and robberies still occur. A violent attack will not only result in physical injuries, but the emotional impact will also remain with victims for their entire life.
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Slip & Fall Accidents

When people walk through stores, hospitals, office buildings, or any other structure, they are typically there for a reason. Often, they may be trying to find a person, an address, or another person. They may not be focused on what is the ground right in front of them.
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Fire & Burn Injuries

A burn may not seem like a severe injury but for accident victims, they are some of the most painful and most costly to recover from. Burns require extensive surgeries, lengthy hospital stays, long rehabilitation periods, and secondary illnesses. In many cases, accident victims suffer from the effects of burns for several years.
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Premises Liability

When a person is injured on another person’s property in Florida, it falls under the category of premises liability law. Under these laws in Florida, it is possible to hold the property owner liable for paying compensation related to the injuries the accident victim sustained.
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Dog Bites

It is often said that dogs are a man’s best friend but when they bite, they can quickly turn into a person’s worst enemy. Dog bites may not sound like major injuries, but even small dogs can do serious damage when they bite and attack.
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