Archives: <span>Practice Areas</span>

Trucking Accidents

According to the American Trucking Association, there are over 26 million registered commercial trucks on the country’s roads and highways. Although these commercial trucks are an extremely important part of the economy, they also pose great hazards to other drivers.
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Pedestrian Accidents

Whether you only walk occasionally, or if that is your main mode of transportation, Florida is a beautiful place to get around on foot. However, pedestrians are at risk when they head out and have to interact with vehicles and accidents involving pedestrians happen every day.
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Motorcycle Accidents

Residents in Florida enjoy gorgeous weather throughout the entire year, and the state has a vast array of highways that make for great motorcycle trips. Unfortunately, not every ride ends well. According to a report published by the Governors Highway Safety Association, Florida had more motorcycle accidents in 2016 than any other state in the country.
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Drunk Driving Accidents

Accidents caused by drunk drivers are completely preventable and place every other motorist, cyclist, and pedestrian on the road at risk. Drivers that choose to operate a vehicle under the influence should be held accountable for the choices they make.
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Boating Accidents

Recreational boating is a favorite pastime for many in Florida and there are so many places to do it within the state. Unfortunately, the fact that residents and visitors alike spend so much time on the water also means there is a greater chance of boating accidents to occur.
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Bicycle Accidents

With its warm weather and gorgeous scenery, Florida is a great place to get around on bike. Bicycling is a favorite form of exercise and family fun for all ages. Unfortunately, bicycling can cause devastating – even fatal – injuries to cyclists.
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Auto Accidents

Car accidents have the potential to be life-changing. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, more than 400,000 collisions occurred in 2018, and they resulted in more than 255,000 injuries. During the aftermath of a car accident, you will likely have medical bills piling up, your car may not be drivable, and you may be unable to return to work.
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